Yoga Poses

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Is Yoga Addictive?

What really is addiction? According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, addiction is:
"a compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal"
Well I know that yoga is not a substance that is bad for you. But it does create physiological symptoms upon withdrawal?

I would argue yes. For me yoga does create physiological symptoms upon withdrawal. I get cranky and restless. Yoga like other exercise does release endorphins similar to a runners high. As a result of yoga's meditation in motion, you let go physical tension. The more you move and sweat, the better you feel.

Yoga has another component that I find addictive. While you are moving through the poses and focusing on your breath (and the teacher's instruction) there is no room for your monkey mind. The monkey mind is your mind bouncing around to all sorts of thought; "regurgitating your to do list, thinking about the past, thinking about the future". If you are able to detach from your monkey mind, a sense of calm comes over you. For me that sense of calm is addictive. Try it...

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