Yoga Poses

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Monkey Mind

My blog, Yoga Hipster, is the way I can express my relationship with yoga. Every yoga practice is different. The one thing that is consistent with my practice is the "monkey mind". Yoga uses the term Monkey Mind as a way of saying the mind has a "mind of it's own".

 The mind is incessantly working. All of those thoughts that constantly come and go throughout my day continue on the mat. Quieting my mind is the first challenge and most of the time the greatest challenge of my yoga practice. The chatter in my head starts with a list that is never ending; "I need to stop at the market", "did I take the laundry out of the washer","what am I making for dinner", "I have to stop and get gas or I will be stranded", "why can't my kids pick up after themselves" etc., etc.

 I realized that I needed to take" a break from myself", and calm my mind - that's why I turned to yoga. The first thing I do when I roll out my mat is get into child pose. Child's pose is the most basic of the asanas (postures). You literally get into the fetal position on your belly and focus on your breathing. The challenge is to focus on your breath and quiet your mind. Good instructors will always take you back to your breathing. Slow deep breathing is the greatest instrument we have to relax our mind, body and soul. The instructor will than take you through a series of postures. As I am flowing through the postures and I see my mind is mantra is "keep on breathing- and let it go....".

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