Yoga Poses

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Yoga On And Off The Mat

"Yoga On And Off The Mat", what does that mean? For years I didn't understand what that meant. My instructors always said at the end of class "now- take this practice with you". After practicing for more than a decade I now understand. The calm, peace and non-reactivity that I cultivate in yoga, I take into my daily life.

If you have kids you understand. Children are so challenging at times. From their two year old tantrums to driver's education, there are plenty of opportunities to "lose it". My daughter is 15 and just started driver's ed. As I drive around the neighborhood with her, I find that my breathing is shallow - a sign of stress. I also find that my stomach is fluttering and I am holding on to my seat. The situation is clearly producing physiological stress.So, I go into yoga mode... I start taking slow deep breaths, remind myself that thousand of parents have gone through this "rite of passage" and survived. I start cultivating my non-reactive mind and repeat my mantra, " it's all ok". 

Taking yoga off the mat and practicing non-reactivity in the real world has helped me stay in the moment. It really works - you should try it sometime.

1 comment:

  1. I think it would be easy to say that if you don't have kids but you're going to school then it would be beneficial to practice breathing! Do it before an exam and it can truly clear your head.
